Sunday 7 June 2015


DMAIC is the most important process improvement technique in six sigma.

In DMAIC every word has its own meaning.

Like  :-   Define , Measure , Analyze , Improve and Control.

Most Companies begin implementing Six Sigma using DMAIC methodology.

All the DMAIC process steps are required and always proceed in the given order :-

1.)  DEFINE :-

Understand what process is to be improved  and set a goal.

2.)  MEASURE  :-

Measure the current state.

3.)  ANALYZE  :-

a.)  Develop cause and effect theories of what may be causing the problem.

b.)  Search for the real causes of the problem and scientifically prove the cause-and-effect linkage.

4.)  IMPROVE  :- 

Take action for improvement.

5.)  CONTROL  :-

a.)  Measure to verify that the improvement has taken place.

b.)  Take actions to sustain the gains.


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